Kashrut Department
If you are served a glass of water, and you are told that there is a 1% doubt that there is poison inside, will you drink it?
Of course not!!! The same applies to kashrut, when you have a dish that you don't know if it's kosher or not, then you don't eat it.
Why is kashrut important? Why is it necessary to preserve meat and milk? And other things about food?!
The reason for this is simple!
Over thirty years ago, one of israel's greatest men received as a gift a cooking device called Primus. His disciples tried to assemble it and were unsuccessful. When they asked him to tell him this, he replied, "Check if there are any installation instructions in the box," and indeed they found the installation instructions and assembled the primus.
The Rabbi told them, "If a company that manufactures a device knows not to send it without installation and operation instructions, surely G-d is the Creator of the most sophisticated machine and it is the universe, that He sent his machine to us users with instructions for use and operation. And what are they? The Holy Law."
We know that G-d created His world after writing the Torah and by looking at it, and by the laws in which He created the world. Therefore, man is created according to the laws of the Torah, and with all the permits or prohibitions of the Torah, man's body is based.
Therefore, when it is written in the Torah about something that is forbidden to eat, and certainly it is not just a 'torah ruling', but physically the same thing that is not good and healthy for the body, for the same reason that a person will not eat detergents for dishes, because it is written on them "do not eat" with a symbol, so we will not eat anything that in the operating instructions to the system of the universe it is written on it to us "do not eat".
And if we ask 'so what if the operating system forbids something, we're sure that the same thing is not good?' then just for the sake of a little gamma: there's a study that looked at a bacterium in pork that attacks the nervous systems in the brain. The best form to weaken it (but not kill it) is a deep freezing of over 20 degrees minus. And so many more examples from all the sages of the world such as Aristobulus in his writing (translated from the Greek)"
The intention of kashrut laws is moral, because not eating the blood instills in a person anxiety about bloodshed and thus instructs his murder instinct.... The prohibition on eating prey poultry is intended to illustrate that it is appropriate for a person not to devour others."
Eating pork is prohibited for reasons of public health to prevent trichinosis, which is, according to "Merck – The Qualified Medical Guide" (pp. 902-904), a parasitic infection resulting from eating pork or pork products that have not been properly processed. The infection can also result from eating the meat of bears, wild boars and some marine mammals. Each of these animals, which according to the Torah are forbidden to eat, may contain in their bodies caterpillars in the form of a coverer (scandals). When the wall of the capsule is digested in the stomach or duodenum, it is released into the saqué that penetrates through the wall of the small intestine. Within two days, the larvae mature and mate, with the male worms again not playing any role in causing the infections, the females burrowing into the intestinal wall, and on the seventh day they begin to release to quenching animals, while each female may release more than a thousand (!!!) to quench.
The reproduction lasts for about a month and a half, the larvae that reach the skeletal muscles survive and are harmful: they penetrate the muscles and cause inflammation. Some muscles, such as the tongue, eye muscles, and muscles between the ribs, are particularly prone to becoming infected with larvae.
Another disease caused by a bacterium found in pork, which attacks the lymph node, is a skin disease called the "skin piglet", which usually affects around the neck and under the lower jaw. In the affected areas, ulcers are formed that secrete a pus-like substance. Not on us and not on the whole nation of Israel...
The pig, the most famous animal among the animals from the horseshoes but does not raise a livestock, and is forbidden to eat (Leviticus 11:7). In Jewish tradition, the pig has become the symbol of impurity (which is explicitly stated in the Book of Deuteronomy: "Uncleanness is to you"), the most insignificant and forbidden animal even with pleasure, as expressed by the writer Yitzhak Dov Berkowitz (the father-in-law of Sholem Aleichem and translator of his works into Hebrew in 15 volumes) in one of his stories: "To stay in the house of a non-Jew in a place that is evaporated... Not on us, the smell of unclean pork."
And another explanation and it is the most essential: all the great veterinarians determine that the most hygienic and clean food for health concerns is the kosher food and the stricter the kashrut, the higher the level of cleanliness. The reason for this is that "you have been greatly preserved for your souls" (Joshua 23:11) There is a duty in the Torah to preserve the mind and body from a health point of view, so much so that rabbi Yosef Karo, author of the halachic essay that the halachic essay "Shulchan Aruch" and all the halachic authorities before him, unequivocally ruled that a danger to the body is more severe than a prohibition, and therefore foods that endanger the body are not in the category of "kosher". And in any case, when any food is kosher, it is free for fear of health danger.