Cemetery Ashdod

הזמנת לוויה

תקנה חדשה בנושא קיום לוויה, הכנס לתוקף ביום 1.1.2024, כל הזמנת לוויה חובה למלאות טופס "הזמנת לוויה" ע"י בן המשפחה או בעל מיופה כח.

הטופס ניתן :

  • להורדה כאן
  • במשרדי חברה קדישא שע"י המועצה הדתית רחוב הניירטה סולד 1 רובע ב' אשדוד, כמו כן ניתן לקבלו
  • דרך הווצאפ בשליחת הודעה למספר: 054-4888365 שניר.

Equipment loan

Borrowing equipment from the municipality

The Ashdod Municipality has launched a service to the residents: the loan of equipment to mourning families during the "Shiva".

The service makes it somewhat easier for those families whose home is smaller than accommodating the comforting public, and the very fact of providing the service is comforting and relieved.

For this purpose, the Ashdod Municipality purchased mourning tents, tables, chairs, heaters, heaters, prayer arrangements, psalms, a set of adra zuta and complementary items.

The equipment is stored in the municipality's warehouses and can be borrowed in accordance with the procedure established by the municipality.

How to lend?

A representative of the bereaved family can contact Mr. David Abu, the director of the municipality's warehouses, and lend the relevant equipment in accordance with the loan procedure and deposit a security check.

The items are lent for the "seven" period only, with a commitment to maintain their integrity.

The warehouse is located at 10 Lead Street, A.T. HaKla. It is open from 07:30 to 15:30.

You can also inquire with Mr. David Abu (Mobile: 052-3684949 Phone: 08-8564589)

Borrowing equipment from the religious council

The Ashdod Municipality has launched a service to the residents: the loan of equipment to mourning families during the "Shiva".

The service makes it somewhat easier for those families whose home is smaller than accommodating the comforting public, and the very fact of providing the service is comforting and relieved.

For this purpose, the Ashdod Municipality purchased mourning tents, tables, chairs, heaters, heaters, prayer arrangements, psalms, a set of adra zuta and complementary items.

The equipment is stored in the municipality's warehouses and can be borrowed in accordance with the procedure established by the municipality.

How to lend?

A representative of the bereaved family can contact Mr. David Abu, the director of the municipality's warehouses, and lend the relevant equipment in accordance with the loan procedure and deposit a security check.

The items are lent for the "seven" period only, with a commitment to maintain their integrity.

The warehouse is located at 10 Lead Street, A.T. HaKla. It is open from 07:30 to 15:30.

You can also inquire with Mr. David Abu (Mobile: 052-3684949 Phone: 08-8564589)

אישור התחייבות לבוני מצבות

הנהלת "חברא קדישא" שע"י המועצה הדתית אשדוד מודיעה בזאת על נוהל חדש לקבלני בוני מצבות, כי כל קבלן המעוניין לבנות מצבה בבית העלמין באשדוד, עליו למלא חוזה חדש (טופס להורדה: "אישור והתחייבות בונה המצבות") ולעמוד בכללים ויצהיר כי יפעל בהתאם לכללים. 

טופס "חוזה החדש" גם נמצא כאן במשרדי חברה קדישא שע"י המועצה הדתית רחוב הניירטה סולד 1 רובע ב' אשדוד.

בנוסף, החל מיום 15 לינואר 2024 רשימת קבלני המצבות המורשים יפורסמו באתר המועצה הדתית.

The address of the religious council

Henrietta Szold 1, Ashdod

Ashdod Cemetery

Hativat Hanegev 33, Ashdod

Reception hours

Sun-Thu 08:15-12:30

Telephone answering service

Sun-Thu 12:30-15:30

Contact Details

Phone: 08-8630639

Urgent cases beyond the hours of the minister

Turn to Leviot Snir: 054-488-8365

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